Category: All Posts

  • Why for many, psychological safety isn’t working and what to do about it

    In the dynamic landscape of today’s workplace, fostering a culture that encourages both psychological safety and psychological bravery is essential for performance and wellbeing. Organisations that help their leaders create this sense of belonging which empowers their people to share ideas, speak up, give feedback, and challenge the status quo, will innovate, and adapt to…

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    Why for many, psychological safety isn’t working and what to do about it
  • Why 2024 should be the year we stop saying ‘Human Resources’  

    By Katie Jacobs For all the value it delivers to organisations, is there a more poorly named function than HR? In an era where people crave more than ever to be seen and treated as individuals, to describe them as merely ‘Resources’, working to maximise the fortunes of the company, can leave a bad taste.…

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    Why 2024 should be the year we stop saying ‘Human Resources’  
  • Why human leadership is good for people and the planet

    By Katie Jacobs From extreme weather events to the cost-of-living crisis, the case for business leaders to take environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues seriously has never been clearer. But with so many competing priorities on the table – global economic and political instability for one – it can be tempting to let ESG slip…

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    Why human leadership is good for people and the planet
  • How human leaders create more inclusive cultures

    By Katie Jacobs Wherever you live and work in the world, it’s likely the society around you is becoming more diverse, driven by factors like globalisation, immigration and the increasing accessibility of travel. But while our communities and workplaces may be becoming more diverse, that doesn’t automatically play out into greater levels of inclusion. People…

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    How human leaders create more inclusive cultures
  • Embracing change and challenge: Building a growth mindset

    By Katie Jacobs Without meaning to get anyone reading this too depressed, there’s a lot going on in the world right now that can make it hard to remain mentally strong. Financial insecurities for many, the destablishing speed to technological change (will I be replaced by a robot?), and a barrage of worrying headlines, from…

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    Embracing change and challenge: Building a growth mindset
  • The biggest impact on your people’s wellbeing? It’s you…

    By Katie Jacobs We’ve all heard the adage ‘people don’t leave organisations; they leave managers’. It’s a bit of a cliche, but it’s nonetheless true. Individual leaders and managers have a huge impact on people’s wellbeing. In fact, according to a recent study of workers across 10 countries by The Workforce Institute at UKG, managers…

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    The biggest impact on your people’s wellbeing? It’s you…
  • Protecting wellbeing in the public sector and blue light services

    By Katie Jacobs Those who choose to work in the public sector are often driven by a strong sense of purpose and a desire to help others. But while having purpose and meaning is linked to wellbeing and positive emotions, those who spend their lives looking after others can sometimes neglect to show themselves the…

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    Protecting wellbeing in the public sector and blue light services
  • Banking in the age of uncertainty: how can human leaders make a difference?

    By Richard Nicholson In the ever-changing world of banking, leaders have a crucial role to play. By prioritising their teams and fostering a people-first culture, they can drive productivity and help navigate uncertainty. But can it really be that easy? We all know the challenges faced by leaders are plentiful: reducing costs, preparing for long-term…

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    Banking in the age of uncertainty: how can human leaders make a difference?
  • Five ways to balance performance and wellbeing

    By Katie Jacobs It would be hard to find an organisation today that doesn’t at least ‘talk the talk’ on the importance of wellbeing. After all, there’s no shortage of evidence that wellbeing IS a business issue. Take research from Deloitte, for instance, that found for every £1 employers invest in supporting their people’s mental…

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    Five ways to balance performance and wellbeing
  • Creating the conditions for inclusive conversations

    By Katie Jacobs What do leaders need to focus on to succeed in today’s challenging work environment? According to 90% of HR leaders surveyed by Gartner, it’s not finances, strategy or operational excellence – although we aren’t for a moment suggesting you completely forget about these. It’s the more human aspects of leadership that make…

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    Creating the conditions for inclusive conversations