What Steps to Wellbeing is Your Organisation Taking?
Bailey & French have developed practical programmes and tools to use that help organisations take important steps to achieve wellbeing. And without wellbeing, you can’t get performance.
How can individuals, teams, and organisations not just navigate but excel beyond simply addressing mental health concerns? Are you merely addressing symptoms, or is your approach strategic, preventative, and geared towards driving positivity and resilience? It’s time to rethink our strategies and aim for proactive, empowering solutions that unlock the full potential of individuals and teams alike.
Strategies and approaches at work should support:
- Psychological wellbeing
- Physical wellbeing
- Financial wellbeing
For every £1 spent by employers on mental health interventions they get £5 back in reduced absence, presenteeism and staff turnover.
Deloitte, 2020
Why Is It So Important?
Poor mental health costs UK employers up to £45 billion each year. This is a rise of 16% since 2016 – an extra £6 billion a year.
Deloitte, 2020
Bailey & French use the PERMA model, introduced by Martin Seligman in 2011. Through his research into flourishing and thriving the five core elements of psychological wellbeing, all equally important, can help people take steps towards resilience and work towards a life of fulfillment, happiness, and meaning. They are:
- Positive Emotions
- Engagement
- Relationships
- Meaning
- Accomplishment
When people are in a positive state, they can find 12+ solutions to a given problem compared to two when in a state of anger or fear.
Fredrickson, 2008